Sunday, March 4, 2018

HOLY MOLY what the hell a new post??


Guess who's back making posts on a blogging website no one in their right mind would ever take the time to read?

You're right. It's Steve from next door.

Just kidding it's-a-me! I have to say - the last post I made (4 damn years ago) made it seem that everything was all good and hunky dory and stuff. Being a born-again Christian and all? Well, the years have had their effect on me, and I am (once again) not the same person who wrote that post.

College... was fun for a while. I didn't have many friends, but the classes were interesting enough.

Then Year 2 rolled around and I felt REALLY burnt out. I took a shot at Year 3 and I had to take a semester off because I was becoming susceptible to panic attacks.

I lolled around for about 8 months or so and am now back in school. Not a whole lot went on, looking back at it now.

I am a humbler, dryer (lol), more boring kind of guy now. Some would call it maturity, but I call it having sandpaper applied around the edges of my spirit. A bit of the wild side has become tamed.

There are many things I would like to do with my life. I thought I wanted to go into film, but to be honest - just not feeling it anymore. Maybe engineering? I guess I just want to help people. See the world, offer my insights, get insights from other people.

What's stopping me? Well, a lot of things. Actually, that's bullshit. I'm just really afraid. Afraid to go out.

I am still very much a little kid inside.

I am considering coming back to this blog in order to develop my voice (in writing) again, because I am SERIOUSLY rusty. I'm struggling to write this sentence right now lol. But that's probably because it's 2 am what the hell am i doing up this late

Anyway, expect more in the future!!